Struggling to Get the Beat?
Just Can’t Seem to Stay in Rhythm?
If You Can Clap Your Hands Together Or Tap On Your Knees You Can Conquer Rhythm In The Next Two Months!!!
You Can Play Wrong Notes, Leave Notes Out, and Make a Bunch of Other Mistakes…
But Your Audience Will Not Forgive Bad Rhythm.
Recent feedback (Mar 2011) from our international friends.
….Chaim Hanstater (born an raised in England) married and living in Belgium.
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Hello Rhythm Seekers,
My name is Brad Chidester and I’m the owner of Music Learning I’ve studied music both the hard way and the easy way .
After finding out that there is a better, faster, and much easier way to learn music I started this site as a way to help others learn music quicker and with less effort.
I struggled every time I sat down to play with keeping rhythm. There was so much to think about that I simply didn’t pay enough attention to keeping the beat.
Then I was instructed on just focusing on a few simple exercises that changed the way I approach and get the beat and that changed everything for me.
Are you ready to lick this Rhythm thing once and for all?
It won’t happen overnight but you can make it happen sooner rather than later with this Rhythm Workshop.
The Issue:
Many teachers have failed to get there students rhythm down cold. I’ve seen and experienced the problem of only being on the beat half the time.
As a matter fact the students are so busy trying to learn notes and sharps and flats and scales that they just don’t incorporate enough rhythm study in the process.
What’s worse we will be clapping a long to the really easy stuff and be with the crowd and then all of a sudden it changes and we’re lost and can’t get back on track.
That every happen to you?
We’ll it sure happened to me. Actually it still happens to me, just not as often.
Here’s what I think takes place.
When you’re not thinking about the beat you just automatically and naturally fall into it.
But the minute you start thinking about it you’re pure mush and can’t get with it to beat anything. (Pun intended!)
Putting the two sides of your naturally ability together with your aware mind is what you have to get accomplished.
You can do that with some focused and concentrated effort and plan to get there.
Rhythm forms the basis of music theory. It is what all other musical elements are based upon.
You can only survive so long in your musical journey without the essential building block of rhythm.
Ask professional musicians:
What one element of music do you find to be most important?
The answer will often be rhythm. Timing is everything.
It is the one thing that is least forgiven by the listener. Playing wrong notes or adding notes can be thought of as jazzy, or not even noticed by the casual listener. But Rhythm can drive your audience away.
Announcing the Getting It Down Cold Rhythm Workshop
Your Journey to Learn and Master Rhythm Begins Here
Let me start by letting you know there is a systematic easy to understand approach that lets you master rhythm.
It isn’t going to happen in a day or two days or even a week.
But you will be able to… quickly
and consistently get better and better by taking a few minutes each day
… to focus in on one fundamental technique and exercise that will allow you to continually improve your rhythm skill.
The Rhythm workshop provides you with the basics needed to get rhythm down cold.
You start with the essential building blocks of how to fundamentally know rhythm and then expand your knowledge and know-how until you can achieve mastery.
The Big Picture Way
The rhythm workshop not only takes a single element to learn and explore by itself, but also takes a bigger picture approach and then zeros in on the elements that make it work.
When you learn note names or note values you do it all at once, because it is very important that you know how all of them are related right at the start. This allows you jump start and accelerate your learning process.
What’s really neat is that if you get hung up you can go back and see exactly what that single element is and how it relates to other items in context.
Here’s what is covered in the rhythm workshop.
Rhythm Definitions and Symbols
– the foundation basics to learning and understand rhythm
4/4 Time Signature Rhythms
– 12 practice rhythms to get down cold and own.
3/4 Time Signature Rhythms
– 12 practice rhythms to get down cold and own.
Quadruple and Triplet Rhythms
– beat divisions by 4 parts and 3 parts including swing.
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The Rhythm Workshop details:
Rhythm – Definitions and Symbols – Music Math
This is where the real basics are covered and where you learn the language of rhythm. You learn to recognize and read music symbols that let you know just how to read those sheets of music you might be looking at.
Rhythm – Beat and Tempo – Staff/Track – Measure (bar) – Notes and rests – Time signature
The Note – Rests – Beams – Different note heads – Ties – Rhythm Practice: Notes and Rests
Music Theory and Music Math
Note Duration and Time Relationships – Time Signatures and the Note Relationship – Speed of Playing: Tempo – 3/4 Time Signature – 6/8 Time Signature
Counting and the Time Signature
Rhythm Adding rests and Rhythm – Subdividing
Dividing Beats by Two – Subdividing Beats By Four – Subdividing Beats by Three (Triplets) – More Practice Subdividing Beats by Three (Triplets) – Getting Relationships Solid
Summary Chart of Beats and Time Signature
Next you get right into the rhythm process with the…
4-4 Time Signature Rhythm
This section establishes 12 Basic 4/4 time signature Rhythm variations for quarter note and eight notes.
These are basic patterns and are intended to help you master the basic rhythms and push advancement off the base rhythm in a way that makes the more difficult rhythms patterns become easier and faster.
You will use these work sets to learn, gain endurance, and then master the rhythms. We call it “Getting It Down Cold”.
The work sets focus intently on just one rhythm and approach it in several ways, providing multiple experiences with one rhythm.
This focused experience of concentration and energy and a path to completion is basic in all methods of completing any task. You use it here to accelerate learning of music rhythm concepts.
Work sets
The work-sets allow you to monitor progress directly on the worksheets at the point they are being learned, so that you can pick up right where they have left off.
The work sets are typically 5 pages long and can be printed out in individual sets for learning and practice.
It is possible to use several work sets at a one time. You can be working in step 4 on one set, where you are mastering one rhythm, then step 3 in another as you can gain endurance with a different pattern, or working step 2 to in still one other where you are trying to learn a new pattern.
You use the rhythm index and tracking chart to check off the boxes to track your progress. Use the individual work sets to track your at the moment progress.
Together they will show your progress. You can also add dates and assignments to help keep the progress moving forward.
Don’t be surprised if during the progress all of a sudden you are feeling the groove before completing the work set. If that happens you will have accomplished the intent of the work set early and there is nothing wrong with that!
You have fun, take your time, and master the rhythms.
3/4 and 3/8 and 6/8 Time Signature Rhythms
In the third volume of the series you can work on 3 and 6 beat rhythms. Start them along with the 4/4 rhythms alternating back and forth.
Again there are 12 types of patterns that cover these three time signatures. After working this rhythms you are going to be a waltz king or queen.
Quadruple and Triple rhythms
This section establishes 10 More Basic rhythm variations for eighth note and sixteenth notes.
These are basic patterns for sub-dividing beats in to fours and threes (swing) and are help you master making the transition from basic beat to grouping the beat into a four notes or three notes.
You get a Rhythm Index and Tracking Chart. Six rhythm variations using the quadruple pattern. And 4 Variations to work on Swing rhythm.
Included with the rhythm workshop is a separate progress sheet to ensure you have goals and achievements set.
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What Others Are Saying About Concentrating on Rhythm
I Counted It Wrong Until I Learned the Proper Way
… I was always OK at rhythm but every time I got on to a harder pattern I would count it wrong and it would never sound right. When my teacher and I would step back and work just on tapping out the rhythm I would go back to the music and be able to get it right a lot easier.
… Swing rhythm was always hard for me. I worked with classical music for a long time and the triplet rhythm always accented on the downbeat. It wasn’t until I was able to focus on understanding the accents being on an off beat and practicing for a couple of weeks that I started to be able to feel I was beginning to get the rhythm.
… When I begin a new song one of the first things I do is look at the rhythm sequences in the song. What I began to see was that the basic pattern is the same, but the mixing up of sub beats for two, three, and four notes was mingled throughout the song. I learned that I start the base beat then sub-divide the beats and now my songs are much smoother when I play.
What do these musicians have in common
It’s all about getting focused and in sync with the music. If you learn to apply rhythm with your mind and naturally you just can help but become a better performer. It wasn’t until I started doing that on a regular basis that I started to see improvement for myself.
As I right this explaining the need to do this I’m thinking about revisiting some quality time with the exercises. This becomes even more important if you’ve had some down time and need to get back to playing.
An example
Here’s an example – I’ve been playing a song from one of my favorite artists that was written back in the 70’s and I’ve been playing this song for years. I hadn’t played it for a few months and thought I’d like to just enjoy playing and hearing it again.
About a quarter of the way into the song there are two measures that change up the rhythm and I’ve always been a little shaky with getting them to always sound right. No more than I had started into the measure and the whole thing feel apart.
So I set back and tapped the rhythm about 10 times in a row for just those two measures. Presto, right back at playing and a 250% improvement immediately.
What do I need to know to use the rhythm workshop?
All you need to use this rhythm workshop is an ability to open a file on your computer and print a few pages from the document.
You need to be able to say to yourself. I will spend a few minutes a day or every other day to work on rhythm.
You need to be take it slow to start and then consistently work on it.
You actually just need to tell yourself I’m going to do it.
That’s it.
No special knowledge just a little bit of will power and a little bit of time every now and again. But remember the more effort you put into it the more you will get out of it.
Look this rhythm workshop is design to help you get past some of the hurdles that get in the way of learning music well. What most people need is to be shown a simple, direct, and planned way of getting it done.
That’s what this rhythm workshop will do!
The layout simply gives you a plan of attack to get these hurdles behind you. It’s easy and you know exactly what you need to do next to get it done.
The Value of Mastering Rhythm
Consider if you were to take one lesson on an average of $25 per week. And then you buy several different books just to learn these different rhythms.
After 8 weeks and $45 to $60 of other books you would spend $250 plus and still wouldn’t have gained all the information you would learn that is taught in this rhythm workshop.
Quite frankly you would be better off using this workshop for your rhythm lessons before taking any lessons.
You can learn and master them in a fraction of the time normally devoted to the effort.
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
The Rhythm Foundations Series comes with a no-questions-asked, no-hassle, 60 day money back guarantee.
If for any reason whatsoever you decide you aren’t completely satisfied with the rhythm workshop just email me anytime within the next 60 days and I’ll buy it back from you.
Risk Free
That’s right 60 days to put the these workshops to the test – all risk is on me. How can I get more fair than that.
Start using the rhythm workshop and begin seeing immediate results from this system of learning or get your money back, it’s as simple as that.
The longer you wait to get started with the rhythm workshop, the longer it will be before you see results.
Don’t put it off and then six months from now think about how much time and money you will have lost.
If you want to make progress you have to begin now.
OK , Are you ready to get ahead of the pack and get rhythm down cold .
Get Rhythm Now!
Get it now!
The Rhythm Workshop
Don’t be fooled by the e-book download. This is 100% workshop material designed to be used on your computer.
You only print what you need for a workset and get you through the necessary basic elements of rhythm and understanding beats.
It’s available right now for download …
with a 60 day money back guarantee.
As a special bonus I’m throwing in the Learn a Song Report for free!
For the Rhythm Workshop and Bundle options, check them out here:
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Click as directed on the download links and save the files to your computer.
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Step 3: Open files. Begin learning the easy way with the Getting It Down Cold Music Note Workshop and your fast journey into music mastery
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* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will learn or achieve the success as fast as predicted.
Here’s to you mastering rhythm,
Music Learning Workshop
PS: With this rhythm workshop you have laid the foundation for working with music quicker than you realize. Armed with this knowledge you will be taking on more advanced concepts in no time at all.
To Your Success!